G/On End of Service FAQs

Changes to G/On 5.7 from March 2023 and G/On 5.8 from June 2023

Next year, older versions of G/On will no longer be available or supported by Soliton Systems. On 31 March 2023, G/On 5.7 and lower will no longer be available, and from 30 June 2023, G/On 5.8 will end service.

Customers can still run these older versions, but after the end of service date, will not receive further support or security patches. As a result, users of older versions of G/On will need to upgrade to the latest version, to ensure continued support.

1. Why is this change happening?

This change is happening because Soliton Systems, the makers of G/On, have made significant security and code improvements to later versions of G/On. The product is no longer dependent on Java, and is built in line with current standards. As a result of these improvements, the company has made the decision to discontinue product versions that do not meet the same standards.

2. When do I need to upgrade my G/On licence?

Users are encouraged to upgrade before the end of service date for their current licence - 30 March 2023 for G/On 5.7 and 30 June 2023 for G/On 5.8.

3. Will you still provide support for users of older versions after the end of service date?

The decision has been made to end support for older versions, in line with the end of service date. Consequently, after these dates, Soliton Systems will no longer provide security patches or further support for G/On 5.7 or G/On 5.8.

4. What differences are there between G/On 7.2 and the older G/On software I’m currently using?

G/On 7.2 was released in July 2022. It brings new functions and capabilities, with a clear focus on security and code improvements. Here are some of the useful features in G/On 7.2:

  • Provides new, flexible authentication levels based application access
  • Offers flexible and seamless integration – no changes to your infrastructure or network design are required
  • Takes the fear out of unmanaged devices; whether it's your employee, a guest or a contractor, they can all use their own device


G/On removes the risks that come with excessive trust, by allowing authorised employees, suppliers or contractors to connect and collaborate, without exposing services and applications to the internet. 

5. How easy is it to upgrade?

Moving to a later version of G/On 7.2 is straightforward. Simply install the new version next to your existing installation, then you run the upgrade by essentially creating a copy of the installation.


When you’re ready, you can stop the old version and launch the new one. But, if for any reason you need to revert, the option to do this is available. 

6. What do I need to do next?

If you need any help upgrading, talk to your contact at Soliton Systems on +31 (0)20 896 5841 or email emea@solitonsystems.com. Alternatively, speak with your local Soliton partner.